
We will host and co-host various events for the scientific community, but also for policy makers, professionals and anyone interested in our research. Below you will find a list of upcoming and previous events. 

Presentation by Michael Welker (Queens University)

University of Mannheim Schloss Ostflügel - Room O 226–28, Mannheim

As part of the TRR 266 Seminar Series, Michael Welker from Queens University, Kingston, will hold a presentation.

TRR 266 Annual Conference

University of Mannheim Schloss Ostflügel - Room O 226–28, Mannheim

Each year we organize a 2-3 day TRR 266 Conference to present work and exchange ideas. The conference is intended to provide an arena for the ongoing research, thereby allowing for cross-pollination between research projects, and the strengthening of the academic network. The first edition in 2019 was restricted to TRR 266 researchers only, in […]

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