Presentation by Matthias Breuer (Columbia Business School)
As part of the TRR 266 Seminar Series, Matthias Breuer from Columbia Business School will hold a presentation.
We will host and co-host various events for the scientific community, but also for policy makers, professionals and anyone interested in our research. Below you will find a list of upcoming and previous events.
As part of the TRR 266 Seminar Series, Matthias Breuer from Columbia Business School will hold a presentation.
As part of the TRR 266 Lecture Series, Greta Büngeler (Head of Global Indirect Tax, Evonik) and Marius Hammes (Tax Specialist Tax Technology & Transformation, Evonik) will hold a presentation […]
As part of the TRR 266 Seminar Series, Rimmy Tomy from University of Chicago Booth School of Business will hold a presentation.
As part of the TRR 266 Seminar Series, Peter Kroos from University of Amsterdam will hold a presentation.
As part of the TRR 266 Seminar Series, Jaron H. Wilde from University of Iowa will hold a presentation.
As part of the TRR 266 Seminar Series, Scott Dyreng from Duke University will hold a presentation.
As part of the TRR 266 Seminar Series, Aytekin Ertan from London Business School will hold a presentation.
As part of the TRR 266 Seminar Series, Christopher Oehler Goethe Universtität Frankfurt a.M. University will hold a presentation.