Presentation by Miguel Duro (University of Navarra)
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Spandauer Str. 1, Raum 23, BerlinAs part of the TRR 266 Seminar Series, Miguel Duro from University of Navarra will hold a presentation.
We will host and co-host various events for the scientific community, but also for policy makers, professionals and anyone interested in our research. Below you will find a list of upcoming and previous events.
As part of the TRR 266 Seminar Series, Miguel Duro from University of Navarra will hold a presentation.
Die Diskussionsrunde unter dem Titel „GBP Meets Politics“ ist in zwei Abschnitte aufgeteilt: Im ersten Abschnitt stellen Forscher des GBP Umfrageergebnisse zu Bürokratieabbau, Steuerbelastung und Publizitätspflichten vor, die den Podiumsgästen […]
As part of the TRR 266 Seminar Series, Christian Friedrich from University of Mannheim will hold a presentation on ''On the paradoxical effects of disclosing effective compliance.''
As part of the TRR 266 Seminar Series, Peter Fiechter from University of Neuchâtel will hold a presentation.
As part of the TRR 266 Seminar Series, Jonas Heese from Harvard Business School will hold a presentation.
As part of the TRR 266 Seminar Series, Shiley Lu from Harvard Business School, Harvard University (USA) will hold a presentation.
As part of the TRR 266 Seminar Series, Massimiliano Bonacchi from University of Bozen will hold a presentation.
As part of the TRR 266 Seminar Series, David Windisch from University of Graz will hold a presentation.