How changing perceptions and priorities shape corporate reporting

In 2015, Siemens took stakeholders and observers by surprise by drastically reducing the content of their annual report. “Less is more” was their answer to disclosure overload. Taking Siemens as a case study, TRR 266 researcher Thorsten Sellhorn, along with Kathrin Oberwallner and Christoph Pelger, explored the forces and dynamics that shape corporate reporting. They find that these in-company forces can be as strong as regulatory forces.
To cite this blog:
Sellhorn, T. (2021, August 30). How changing perceptions and priorities shape corporate reporting, TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency Blog.
Leana Esterhuyse
I wish the SA regulators will head this research, as well as developments in the UK where users can find different reports and drill down to what suits their information need. In SA we are stuck with the mandated Integrated Reporting, trying to be all things to everyone. It is supposed to be concise, but the reports just gets longer and longer.
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Thorsten Sellhorn
Thanks, Leana - does the South African IR mandate imply that affected firms no longer present stand-alone financial reports at all?
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