W1–Junior Professorship in “Corporate Reporting and Taxation”

The University of Mannheim is a scientific university with an outstanding reputation in research and teaching. It currently employs approximately 2,630 staff and around 12,000 students. In particular, economics and social sciences, traditionally strongly represented at the University of Mannheim, belong to the top group internationally. A special characteristic is the high degree of networking among the five faculties. To maintain strong local and global partnerships, the University of Mannheim, certified as a family-friendly university since 2006, adapts to international semester schedules.

To strengthen the Area Accounting & Taxation at the Faculty of Business Administration, we are looking to fill a
W1–Junior Professorship in “Corporate Reporting and Taxation”

The Business School of the University of Mannheim is one of the leading Business Schools in Europe. It stands for excellence in research and teaching, reflected in our successful rankings, placements, and triple accreditation by AACSB, EQUIS, and AMBA (https://www.bwl.uni-mannheim.de/en).

Your Responsibilities

The holder of the professorship is expected to represent the fields of Corporate Reporting and/or Business Taxation in research and teaching. The candidate should have an internationally recognized research profile in one of the fields and possess excellent knowledge of modern quantitative research methods. The area aims to further expand the junior faculty in line with top international standards, making a high degree of willingness to cooperate and an international network particularly important. The ability and willingness to conduct an English-taught course, especially in the Bachelor’s program, and to participate in the Center for Doctoral Studies in Business (CDSB) is expected. The initial teaching load is four hours per week.

Your Qualifications

Requirements for the position include:
A completed university degree
A Ph.D. in Accounting, Business Taxation, or a closely related field
Pedagogical aptitude
The ability to develop research projects of such high quality that they can be published in leading journals in the field
International research experience, visibility, and the ability to teach in English
Experience and ability to secure competitive research funding are advantageous


This is what the University of Mannheim offers you


Like the “Square City” of Mannheim, the University of Mannheim stands for diversity and social variety. Thus, a high value is placed on equality and equal opportunities for all social groups. The University of Mannheim, therefore, looks forward to receiving applications from qualified female and male scientists. In the spirit of the family-friendly university, you will also be gladly advised on the topic of dual careers and the support of life partners.
University of Mannheim employees have access to free or discounted training and seminars in topics such as languages, rhetoric, IT, and family-friendly personnel management. The University also attaches great importance to interdisciplinary and international networking.


Your contact to the University of Mannheim

If you have any questions about the advertised professorship, please contact Prof. Dr. Holger Daske.
We look forward to receiving your application with
Curriculum vitae
List of publications, lectures, and events
Current teaching evaluations (if available)
Two letters of recommendation submitted separately or two names of reference donors

According to § 51 (2) and (3) Landeshochschulgesetz Baden-Württemberg (LHG), a completed university degree, pedagogical aptitude, and qualification for scientific work are required, which a doctorate of outstanding quality must prove. Applicants who did their doctorate at the University of Mannheim should have changed university after completing their doctorate or worked academically for at least two years outside the University of Mannheim. If the general requirements under service law are met, the position will initially be contracted for three years as part of a temporary civil service. If a positive mid-term review follows the statutory provisions (Section 51 (7) LHG), the employment will be extended to six years.The University of Mannheim places great emphasis on student training and mentoring and, therefore, expects a strong presence of its faculty. Consequently, the successful candidate is expected to be willing to move to Mannheim or the larger metropolitan area.

The University of Mannheim seeks to increase the percentage of its female faculty members in research and teaching. Thus, qualified women are especially encouraged to apply. Severely disabled applicants with the aptitude for the position will be given preference.

If interested, please send your application with the usual documents preferably in a PDF file by e-mail to Dean Joachim Lutz recruiting.accounting@uni-mannheim.de or per regular mail by 8th of December 2024 to:
Universität Mannheim
Dekan der Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Herr Joachim Lutz
68131 Mannheim

Information regarding the processing of personal data (GDPR, German: DS-GVO) is available on the university’s homepage, section “Employment Opportunities”:

Please be aware that confidentiality violations and unauthorized third-party access cannot be ruled out when using unencrypted e-mail communication.
The application documents submitted will only be returned if a sufficiently stamped envelope is sent simultaneously. Otherwise, they will be destroyed after the application process is completed, following the data protection law requirements.

Participating Institutions

TRR 266‘s main locations are Paderborn University (Coordinating University), HU Berlin, and University of Mannheim. All three locations have been centers for accounting and tax research for many years. They are joined by researchers from LMU Munich, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Goethe University Frankfurt, University of Cologne and Leibniz University Hannover who share the same research agenda.

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