Open TRR 266 Conference 2025

The LMU Munich School of Management is looking forward to hosting the first Open TRR 266 Conference. The goal of this conference is to bring together researchers from within and outside the TRR 266 to discuss current research in the area of accounting, taxation, and transparency. The conference will take place at the historical and beautiful LMU campus in downtown Munich. Detailed information about the program, conference location as well as hotels will be distributed on this website later on.


Please register for the conference until 15 March 2025 via this link. The event is free of charge.

08:00-08:45Registration and Coffee
09:00-09:45Behind the Corporate Veil: How Business Groups Arbitrage ESG Disclosure Mandates

Presenter: Stefano Cascino
London School of Economics and Political Science

Discussant: Maximilian Müller
University of Cologne
09:45-10:30Redaction Decisions in Maritime Shipments: Evidence from Forced Labor Scrutiny in Supply Chains

Presenter: Sandra Schafhäutle
The Wharton School

Discussant: Yuchen Wu
University of St. Gallen
10:30-11:00Coffee break
11:00-11:45Carbon Emissions Reporting, Investment Incentives and Efficiency

Presenter: Robert Göx
University of Zurich

Dicussant: Mirko Heinle
The Wharton School
11:45-12:30The Dual Roles of Analysts in Shaping Green Investment Strategies

Presenter: Ole-Kristian Hope
University of Toronto

Dicussant: Christoph Sextroh
Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
14:00-14:45ESG Incentives in Executive Compensation

Presenter: Patrick Kampkötter
University of Tübingen

Dicussant: Clemens Lauer
University of Mannheim
14:45-15:30Information Availability and the Benefits of Government Funded Research

Presenter: Marek Giebel
Copenhagen Business School

Discussant: Joachim Gassen
HU Berlin
15:30-16:00Coffee break
16:00-16:45The Effect of Anti-Profit Shifting Rules on M&A Activities

Presenter: Osaid Alshameleh
WU Wien

Dicussant: Johannes Voget
University of Mannheim
16:45-17:30The Transmission of Tax Cuts through Banks

Presenter: Hansol Jang
National University of Singapore

Dicussant: Henning Giese
Paderborn University
from 19:00Conference Dinner


Monday, 23 June 2025


LMU Munich

Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1

80539 Munich

Room: Kleine Aula A120



You can register here.


The program will be published here soon.


In case of questions please reach out to Katharina Weiß:

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Don’t miss this event

On 24 June 2025, the day after the Open TRR 266 Conference, the LMU will also host the annual TRR 266 Forum. This is an outreach event (held in German), which promotes the exchange between practice, politics and research. You can find more information about the event here.

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